efa inventory device secure settings update

Update security settings on devices.


efa inventory device secure settings update [ --min-tls-version min-tls-version | --mac-algorithm mac-algorithm-list | --key-exchange-algorithm key-exchange-algorithm-list | --telnet disable | --cipher ciphers | --max-password-age max-password-age | --force-default-password-change enable ]


--cipher ciphers
Comma separated list of Ciphers.
--force-default-password-change enable
Force the user to change default passwords.
--key-exchange-algorithm key-exchange-algorithm-list
Comma separated list of Key-Exchange Algorithms.
--mac-algorithm mac-algorithm-list
Comma separated list of MAC Algorithms.
--max-password-age max-password-age
Maximum number of days before password expiry
--min-tls-version min-tls-version
Minimun TLS version to be configures on the server. Example: 1.1|1.2
--telnet disable
Disable or Enable telnet on mgmt-vrf

Usage Guidelines

This command does not automatically apply changes to these settings. Run efa inventory device secure settings apply to manually apply them.


efa inventory device secure settings update --min-tls-version 1.2
secure settings update[Success]
--- Time Elapsed: 33.26355ms --- 
efa inventory device secure settings update 
--mac-algorithm hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256 
secure settings update[Success]
--- Time Elapsed: 18.82952ms --- 
efa inventory device secure settings update
 --key-exchange-algorithm curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,
secure settings update[Success] 
--- Time Elapsed: 83.826371ms ---  
efa inventory device secure settings update --telnet enable --cipher non-cbc --max-password-age 365 
secure settings update[Success] 
--- Time Elapsed: 55.88571ms ---